
The outward signs of confirmation, i.e. something we can see is the laying on of the bishops hands on the person to be confirmed, making the sign of the cross with chrism oil on their forehead of the person being confirmed along with saying certain words, these outward signs let us know that the person has received inward grace, i.e. something we can’t see, that is the Holy Spirit.  This Spirit enters into the life of the confirmed person.  The Holy Spirit gives us that special help from God.  He gets along-side us, and shelters and protects us.  The Spirit is given to our souls, the innermost part of us, so that we can live well as adults for Christ.

A young person is prepared for the confirmation programme, which is run annually in our parish.  If you would like to find out more about this sacrament or any of the other sacraments please contact Fr Leo Parish Priest or Deacon Barry, Parish Deacon.